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A kutyádnak szorongó magatartása van kint - ellenkezik a séta alkalmával, sír…stb/ reaktív/agresszív viselkedése van emberek/kutyák felé?

Szeretnéd ezeket a problémákat orvosolni de nem tudsz folyamatosan jelen lenni az alkalmakkor mert olyan a beosztásod?

Ez az ideális csomag neked és a kutyádnak!

Ez a tréning típus sokkal hatékonyabb tud lenni a kutyádnak, mert a tréner csak a kutyádra kell fókuszáljon.

Kérlek olvasd el az Általános Szerződési Feltételeket figyelmesen, ha szeretnél velünk tréningeztetni.

Mit tartalmaz?

  • 1-nap konzultáció a trénerrel a kutyád hátteréről és demonstráció – az 1. napon

  • 8 napos kutya rehabilitáció (különböző napokon) – a tréner elviszi a kutyádat 1 órás rehabilitációra (pozitív megerősítést, deszenzitizációt & ellenkondicionálást alkamazva) és visszaviszi neked

  • 1-nap átadó alkalom– a 10. napon)

Kérlek vedd figyelembe, hogy nem minden viselkedésprobléma orvosolható 10 alkalom alatt, de ez egy jó alap és kezdés a kutyádnak és neked is, hogy a megtanult technikákat tovább használd.

Állatorvosi beutalókat fel tudunk venni viselkedésproblémákra amiket a kisállatbiztosításon keresztül intézhetsz. Ha van kisállatbiztosításod, a biztosítód fizetheti a konzultáció és a tréning költségeit. Javasoljuk, hogy ezt mindenképp kérdezd meg előtte. Minden esetben szükséges Állatorvosi beutaló.

Rottweiler - Reactive behaviour towards dogs

Rottweiler - Reactive behaviour towards dogs

🇬🇧 This 4 years old Rottweiler who recently relocated from Canada to London, came for dog rehabilitation due to his reactive behavior towards dogs. This was a significant change for him, as he had previously lived in the countryside in Canada and now he lives in a busy dog-friendly area. 🇭🇺 Ez a 4 éves Rottweiler, aki nemrég költözött át Kanadából Londonba, kutyákkal szembeni reaktív viselkedése miatt érkezett kutyarehabilitációra. Ez jelentős változás volt számára, hiszen korábban Kanadában élt vidéken, most pedig egy nyüzsgő kutyabarát környéken él. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #rottweiler #reactivedog #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés #reaktívkutya
German Shepherd - Reactive behaviour towards dogs and moving objects

German Shepherd - Reactive behaviour towards dogs and moving objects

🇬🇧 This one-year-old German Shepherd shows fear-based reactivity towards dogs and moving objects and animals, making it challenging for his owner to fulfill his exercise needs. He also exhibits signs of anxiety, such as pacing and fear of outdoor noises and even wind. Initially, he didn't like it if I touched him, but later, we had a lovely relationship. I used desensitization, counter-conditioning, and engaging-disengaging games during his training. While he has made significant progress in training, it is essential for the owner to continue practicing and reinforcing the training for lasting results. 🇭🇺 Ez az egy éves Németjuhászkutya x Husky kutya félelem alapú reaktívitást mutat kutyákkal és a mozgó tárgyakkal és állatokkal szemben, ami megnehezítette gazdája számára, hogy kielégítse mozgási szükségletet. Szorongás jeleit is mutatja, mint például a mászkálás, és fél a kültéri zajoktól, még a széltől is. Kezdetben nem szerette, ha megérintettem, de később nagyon szép kapcsolat alakult ki közöttünk. A tréning során deszenzitizálást, ellenkondicionálást és különböző figyelemmegtőrójátékokat alkalmaztam. Bár jelentős előrehaladást ért el a tréning alatt, a gazdi számára elengedhetetlen, hogy folytassa a gyakorlást és az edzéseket a tartós eredmények érdekében. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #germanshepherd #reactivedog #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés
Working line GSD x Husky - Reactive behaviour rehabilitation and impulse control training

Working line GSD x Husky - Reactive behaviour rehabilitation and impulse control training

I recently worked with a German Shepherd x Husky, a working line dog, on obedience training and some rehabilitation sessions due to her reactive behaviour towards dogs, and she performed well. We had worked together previously, and I was pleased to see her continued progress since her last training session. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #workinglinegermanshepherd #germanshepherd #husky #reactivedog #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés #reaktívkutya
Golden Retriever - Reactive behaviour & Impulse control & Leash and off-leash training

Golden Retriever - Reactive behaviour & Impulse control & Leash and off-leash training

Meet a 1.5 year old Golden Retriever who's made good progress in just 2 weeks of training with me! Due to his reactivity towards other dogs, we've been working on obedience training and rehabilitation techniques to help him build confidence and calmness around other canines. In this video, you'll see the transformation from a nervous and reactive pup to a more relaxed and focused dog. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #goldenretriever #reactivedog #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés #reaktívkutya
Pomeranian - dog rehabilitation (anxiety & reactive behaviour)

Pomeranian - dog rehabilitation (anxiety & reactive behaviour)

Meet an 11-month-old Pomeranian who was struggling with anxiety and reactive behavior outside.She had fear of noises and crowded places. After just 7 days of intensive rehabilitation training with me, we saw a good transformation! In this video, you'll see her progress. 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #pomeranian #reactivedog #dogtraining #dogrehabilitation #anxietyinDogs #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés #reaktívkutya
German Shepherd - Reactive behaviour towards dogs & impulse control training

German Shepherd - Reactive behaviour towards dogs & impulse control training

This handsome nearly 2-year-old German Shepherd has been working hard to overcome his reactive behavior towards other dogs and leash pulling issues! In just 4 days of personalized active training with me, he has made significant progress. He learnt to walk calmly on a leash, ignore distractions, and even make new canine friends! If your furry friend is struggling with similar issues, don't worry - with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, they can overcome them too! 🖱️ SUBSCRIBE: Welcome to Victoria Dog Obedience Training, your premier destination for dog training and behaviour modification in Wembley, UK! I provide personalized obedience training programs for dogs of all ages and breeds, focusing on building strong relationships between you and your furry friend. From basic obedience commands to behaviour modification, my customized sessions are designed to help you overcome behavioural issues and achieve a well-behaved, well-adjusted pet. With a focus on positive reinforcement techniques, I ensure a fun and stress-free learning experience for both you and your dog. Whether you're dealing with housebreaking issues, separation anxiety, or simply wanting to improve your dog's manners, I am here to support you every step of the way. Contact me today to schedule your first session and start transforming your dog's behaviour! 📚 MY BOOKS: Puppy Owner Handbook (ideal for first time owners) & Dog Behavioural Issue Handbook - check it on my website: Website: #germanshepherd #reactivedog #obediencetraining #dogtraining #kutyaoktatás #kutyakiképzés #reaktívkutya
Poochon - 2 weeks active training

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